Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Life is Never Lost

One minute they are here and the next minute they are gone... or are they?

Well, I have been doing some thinking and here it is;

I'm waiting for the Facebook post where Robin Williams fans will be shamed for posting about him in memoriam because soldiers are dieing and people are starving to death etc.

THE THING IS...we feel remorse for those who die fighting (even tho in vain) and we care that others suffer as well....It's sad that this society doesn't act as a whole in those matters and "change" the world...because as humans we actually have that capability....however I want to say that when a person, that so many have come to love, such as Robin Williams leaves our world...it hurts....it hurts because he was a part of our lives....the good part....the happy part. He has made me laugh and made me cry with his talent for many years.

I feel that way about many celebrities that have touched me in one way or another...(of course some/most of the others aren't worthy of stardom, lol). But in a world that can be so cruel and dangerous and lonely; there are some wonderful people that can make us love them through laughter as well as remind us that we are human with emotions that are so beautiful and sometimes so dark. While knowing that Robin Williams chose to leave us, I can't help but wonder how much he must have suffered and I think about how fragile we ALL are.

Loving someone while they are alive is one thing but loving them AND missing them after they die runs deeper than one could imagine unless they experience it. I, myself know this all too well. But a thought came to me today; that I will no longer use the acronym R.I.P or use the words "lost loved ones".... People that leave this world are not resting, they have no need for rest like they did while living in the human vessel we call bodies. And they are certainly not "lost"...I don't believe they are "gone" either...actually, I think that if anyone studies long enough on Life after Death and so on while considering what a wondrous existence the Universe is you may see that. Not allowing yourself to open up to the possibilities is both naive and ignorant.

Learn that aspect of life and death because if you believe they are "gone" they will be. Believe that they are with you always and they will be. That's the spiritual connection that is within us.